Skin Care

Everyday Things That are Bad for Your Skin

Everyday Things That are Bad for Your Skin

The largest organ on the human body, skin is our great protector from the outside world, though there may be hidden and surprising hazards in our everyday lives that can harm it. We’ve all experienced a weird rash, itchy sensation, or enflamed breakout that we couldn’t pinpoint the origin of, so we’ll dive into some of the common ways you may be harming your skin without even realizing it, in hopes of avoiding future ailments.

5 Common Skin Irritants

1. Soap

Though a practical and necessary substance, the type of soap that you utilize each day may lead to irritation and inflammation of the skin. This can occur for a variety of reasons, namely the fragrances and artificial dyes that are used in many soaps. Overwashing can also cause unwanted harm and breakage to the skin, as you may be stripping away the natural oils that keep it soft and supple. As a remedy, the use of a mild soap without heavy fragrances and dyes can ensure minimal irritation to your skin.

2. Clothes

When it comes to clothing, abrasive fabrics, fasteners, and tags can all cause damage and irritation to our skin. Scratchy fabrics, like wool, or certain chemicals in fabric dyes or treatments can bother the skin and cause unwanted rashes or reactions. A safe bet for those with sensitive skin is to wear clothing made out of cotton fabrics that are typically more breathable and less abrasive on the skin.

3. Heat

Though the summer months can feel like a safe haven after a long and cold winter, the heat that comes with this season can wreak havoc on our skin. From sunburns to heat rash and excessive sweating, heavy sunlight and high temps can hurt our skin if we don’t take precautions to protect ourselves. During the summer, keep household temperatures down with air conditioning and utilize sunscreen when outdoors to help keep your skin protected from heat-related ailments.

4. Household Cleaners

Even in an attempt to keep our homes as clean as possible, we may be causing unknown harm to our skin in the process. The harsh chemicals used in everyday household cleaners to tackle tough messes and stains in kitchens, bathrooms, and everywhere in-between are too abrasive for direct or prolonged contact with our skin. By using gloves while cleaning your home, you can help minimize skin contact and possible reactions from these potentially harmful substances.

5. Cell Phones

In today’s world, it sometimes seems like our phones are attached to us at all times, and a potential consequence of this is the impact on our skin from frequent cell phone use. Since our phones go everywhere with us at home or in public (even in the bathroom), phone screens are full of bacteria and germs. So, when placing the phone to our faces to make a phone call, we may be inviting a host of bacteria onto the skin that can cause irritation, breakouts, and more. Try to make frequent cleanings of your phone a part of your daily routine, which can help prevent potential reactions.

In addition to these sources of skin irritation, there are countless others, including excess sodium consumption, dirty pillowcases, outdated cosmetics, and many more. In general, the best course of action when noticing any new skin reaction for the first time is to assess if you’ve recently introduced a new food, product, or material into your daily routine, and try to find the culprit through the process of elimination, which can help to prevent further irritation and damage.

Bailey Schramm is a writer from Happy Writers, Co. in partnership with Bauhaus 2 Your House designer furniture.